This article describes the features and noteworthy changes in the current product release.
Release date | 24th January PST |
Included in this release:
- Active combinations in the Web Editor
- Share links with no account access
- Monthly session downloads
- Behavioral targeting
- Discard draft changes
- Duplicate keys warning and action
- Device viewport indicator
- Date range filter behavior
View active combinations in the Web Editor
When a project is live, you can view the active combinations in the Web Editor.
See which combinations are live, select a combination to see which variants it uses, QA the combination, and generate share links.
Generate share links with no account access
You can generate share links in the Web Editor for projects where the user has no access to the account in the Manager.
It means you can generate preview links for projects in development before you are granted access to the account. Users without access can also preview active combinations for live projects.
The preview links are restricted to the IP address they were generated from.
Share links in the downloaded PDF follow the same rules. Someone with account access will have to generate the PDF if you want to share it with others.
Monthly session downloads
Easily export session data for your project or organization.
Data is exported to a CSV file, grouped by month and project. Use this feature if you need to keep track of experiment sessions. The data is limited to a 90-day window.
Behavioral targeting
Customize audiences using Evolv events, so projects are activated when users complete an action or behavior.
Use the audience builder to select a known event (see Creating Events in the Manager). The project will only activate for users when that event is triggered on the website.
Consider behavioral targeting when the element you want to optimize only appears after a specific interaction, such as a modal or side panel. Or perhaps the user clicks a "learn more" button rather than a CTA.
Discard draft changes
Clear all drafted changes to projects in the Manager.
Use the Discard all drafted changes link to remove all changes from the draft tab and restore it to what's live.
Warning and action for duplicate keys when uploading to draft
If you upload a project file with the same keys as another already live project, the system will detect the duplication and prompt you to correct it on the spot.
Duplicate keys can occur when you re-use the same project file for a new project. There is now a safeguard to protect against this scenario.
Device viewport size indicator
The Web Editor viewport includes a label that indicates the selected device's height.
The device height indicator helps you understand what's visible above the fold in Edit and QA modes.
The date range filter applies to all data on the Overview page
The date range filter on the Overview page in the Manager now updates all the graphs and tables.