This article explains how to QA variants in the Web Editor.
3 things to look for when QAing variants
- Variant Integrity: Each variant displays as described in the experiment proposal.
- Variant Combinations: The variants play nicely with each other and do not result in colliding styles or functionality.
- Timing: Do the variants, alone or in combination, account for element load order, slow connection speeds or competing functions dependent on the presence or absence of global variables, methods or DOM elements?
Steps to QA a variant or group of variants
- In the upper right corner of the Web Editor, select QA Mode from the menu.
- From the Configuration Panel, select the variant(s):
- A single variant from the left column, or…
- The Quick Combo function methodically combines variants from each group so that you can QA as many variant combinations as possible.
- Click on the Play icon at the top of the Configuration Panel to apply the selected variant(s) to the context in the Preview Window.
- Review layout and functionality in the Preview Window.