Here are some glossary items relevant to analytics.
Experiment Group ID (GID) | The unique ID (e.g. gid-dc35ad99-7460-4c3b-b931-db6af1c3c007) associated with the current version of an Evolv project. The group is a series of experiments run sequentially. |
Ordinal | An easy way to refer to the combination (e.g. ordinal-3) a user qualified for. Ordinal is a “friendlier” version of the original, long CID value. |
Experiment ID (EID) | The experiment (e.g. eid-7c0fc0794a) ID identifies an element that is being varied within an Evolv project. EID is the ID of the phase within a group (GID). |
Combination ID (CID) |
The combination (e.g. cid-71bf4d93d122) that the user was assigned within an experiment. As of December ‘20, now by default, if there is an Ordinal available for a user on page load, CID will not be passed along with the replacement which is an Ordinal value. You have the option to update GtagClient ID to “true” and pass CID at the end of the event action value. We made this option available in case clients want to continue using this ID for internal analysis. |
User ID (UID) | The Evolv User ID. This ID is unique to each user so helps to identify them. |
Session ID (SID) | The Evolv Session ID. Note that Users may have multiple Session IDs. We use the browser’s definition of a session - storing the id Evolv uses in Session Storage. |
Confirmation event | Confirming that the user both qualified for and received the rendered Candidate for a particular Experiment. |
Contamination event | Users who qualified for a particular Candidate experience may have received an error and therefore did not receive a rendered Candidate experience. Evolv removes contaminated users from statistics for this reason. For a more accurate comparison, these users should also be removed from Candidate statistics in Google Analytics. |